Andrew R. Blaustein

Statement of Philosophy

MOVIE of Andy's snake skills (1.4MB)

University Distinguished Professor, Department of Integrative Biology

Phone: 541-737-5356
Fax: 541-737-0501
Address: Dept. Integrative Biology, 3029 Cordley Hall, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2914

My research and teaching reflect my interests in Ecology, especially Disease Ecology, Conservation Biology and Animal Behavior


I have taught a wide variety of courses at OSU. My current teaching includes General Biology with emphasis on Biodiversity and Animal Behavior taught from physiological, sociobiological and evolutionary perspectives, as well as Graduate Seminars.


Professional Activities:

I am on the editorial board for Conservation Biology and I serve as Assigning Editor for that journal. I am on the Board of Directors for the Amphibian Conservation Alliance (Washington, DC).  I am a member of the Species Survival Commission of the World Conservation Union (IUCN) and Co-Chair of its Declining Amphibian Populations Task Force (DAPTF) Pacific Northwest Section.  I am on the editorial boards for Conservation Biology and Conservation Physiology and I serve as Assigning Editor for Conservation Biology. I am a science advisor to Earth and Sky Radio. I am also a member of numerous professional societies and I am honored to be a Fellow of AAAS, the Ecological Society of America and the Animal Behavior Society. I am also a Fellow of the Aldo Leopold Leadership Program of the Ecological Society of America.